Original Articles

  1. Chellappa SL, Viola AU, Schmidt C, Bachmann V, Gabel V, Maire M, Reichert CF, Valomon A, Landolt HP, Cajochen C. Light modulation of human sleep depends on a polymorphism in the clock gene Period3. Behav Brain Res . 2014 Sep 1;271:23-9

  2. Reichert CF, Maire M, Gabel V, Viola AU, Kolodyazhniy V, Strobel W, Götz T, Bachmann V, Landolt HP, Cajochen C, Schmidt C. Insights into behavioral vulnerability to differential sleep pressure and circadian phase from a functional ADA polymorphism.J Biol Rhythms. 2014 Apr;29(2):119-3

  3. Maire M.; Reichert C., Gabel V., Viola A.U., Krebs J., Strobel W., Landolt H.-P., Bachmann V., Cajochen C., Schmidt C. Time-on-task decrement in vigilance is modulated by inter-individual vulnerability to homeostatic sleep pressure manipulation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2014. 8 (59),

  4. Valomon A, Holst SC, Bachmann V, Viola AU , Schmidt C, Zürcher J, Berger W, Cajochen C, Landolt HP.  Genetic polymorphisms of DAT1 and COMT differentially associate with actigraphy-derived sleep-wake cycles in young adults.Chronobiol Int. 2014 Jun;31(5):705-14
  5. Maire M.; Reichert C., Gabel V., Viola A.U., Krebs J., Strobel W., Landolt H.-P., Bachmann V., Cajochen C., Schmidt C. Sleep ability mediates individual differences in the vulnerability to sleep loss: Evidence from a PER3 polymorphism. Cortex. 2014.
  6. Gabel V., Maire M., Reichert C., Chellappa S.L., Hommes V., Cajochen C., Viola A.U. Effects of artificial dawn and morning blue light on daytime cognitive performance, well-being, cortisol and melatonin levels. Chronobiol Int. 2013t; 30(8):988-997

  7. Dallmann R, Viola A.U., Tarokh L., Cajochen C., Brown S.A. The human circadian metabolome. PNAS2012; 109 (7):2625-2629.

  8. Chellappa S.L., Viola A.U.,, Schmidt C., Bachmann V., Gabel V., Maire M., Reichert C.F., Valomon A., Götz T., Landolt H.P., Cajochen C., .Human melatonin and alerting response to blue-enriched light depend on a polymorphism in the clock gene PER3. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012; 97(3): E433-437

  9. Viola A.U., Chellappa S.L., Archer S.N., Pugin F., Götz T., Dijk D.J., Cajochen C., Inter-individual differences in circadian rhythmicity and sleep homeostasis in older people: effect of the PER3 polymorphism. Neurobiol Aging. 2012;33 (5):1010.

  10. Viola A.U., Tobaldini E., Chellappa S.L., Casali K.R., Porta A., Montano N., Short-term complexity of cardiac autonomic control during sleep: REM as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular system in aging. Plos One.2011; 6(4) :e 19002.

  11. Pagani L., Schmitt K., Meier F., Izakovic J., Roemer K., Viola A.U., Cajochen C., Wirtz-Justice A., Brown S.A. Serum factors change cellular clock properties in older individuals. PNAS. 2011; 108(17):7218-7229.

  12. Viola A.U., James L.M., Archer S.N., Dijk D.J. PER3 polymorphism and cardiac autonomic control: effect of sleep debt and circadian phase. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2008; 295 (5): H2156-H2163.

  13. Viola A.U., James L.M., Schlangen L.J.M., Dijk D.J.Blue-enriched white light in the workplace improves self-reported alertness, performance and sleep quality. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2008; 34 (4): 297-306.

  14. Groeger J.A.,Viola A.U.Lo J.C.Y.von Schantz M., Dijk D.J. Early morning executive functioning without sleep is compromised by a PERIOD3 polymorphism. Sleep. 2008; 31 (8): 1159-1167.

  15. Archer S.N.Viola A.U.  , Kyriakopoulou V., von Schantz M., Dijk D.J. Inter-individual differences in habitual sleep timing and entrained phase of endogenous circadian rhythms of BMAL1, PER2 and PER3 mRNA in human leukocytes. Sleep. 2008; 31(5): 608-617

  16. Viola A.U., Archer S.N.,James L.M., Groeger J.A.,Lo J.C.Y. Skene D.J., von Schantz M., Dijk D.J.PER3 polymorphism predicts sleep structure and waking performance.Current Biol. 2007; 17(7): 613-618.

  17. Viola AU, Brandenberger G, Buchheit M, Geny B, Ehrhart J, Simon C, Piquard F. Sleep as a tool for evaluating autonomic drive in heart in cardiac transplant patients. Sleep. 2004; 27(4): 641-647.

  18. Viola AU, Simon C, Doutreleau S, Ehrhart J, Geny B, Piquard F, Brandenberger G. Abnormal heart rate variability in a subject with second degree atrioventricular blocks during sleep. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2004; 115(4): 946-950.

  19. Buchheit M, Simon C, Viola AU, Doutreleau S, Piquard F Brandenberger G. Heart rate variability in sportive elderly : relationship with daily physical activity. Med Sci Sport Exer. 2004, 36(4): 6001-605.

  20. Brandenberger B, Viola AU, Ehrhart J, Charloux A, Geny B, Piquard F, Simon C. Age-related changes in cardiac autonomic control during sleep. J Sleep Res. 2003; 12(3): 1-8.

  21. Schaefer A, Simon C, Viola AU, Piquard F, Geny B, Brandenberger G. L-arginine: an ultradian-regulated substrate coupled with insulin oscillations in healthy volunteers. Diabetes Care. 2003; 26(1):168-171.

  22. Viola AU, Simon C, Ehrhart J, Geny B, Piquard F, Muzet A, Brandenberger G. Sleep processes exert a predominant influence on the 24-h profile of heart rate variability. J Biol Rhythm2002; 17(6): 539-547.

  23. Viola AU, Brandenberger G, Toussaint M, Bouhours P, Macher P, Luthringer R. Ritanserin, a serotonin-2 receptor antagonist, improves ultradian sleep rhythmicity in young poor sleepers. Clin Neurophysiology. 2002; 113(3):429-434.


Viola Antoine

Docteur en Neurobiologie


+33 6 85 31 32 56
